Augmented Intuition: its history

A long long time ago I wrote an online #whitepaper in website format, as is now my wider wont.

Here it is. It wasn't bad for a first stab, tbh:

From the first page:

"What is augmented intuition?

It's a philosophy, a tool, a platform, and a means to expanding our intuitive abilities as human beings.

We drive this approach because:

1. Throughout history change has happened through leaps of imagination, where human beings believed the impossible wasn't.

2. Creative thinking can be hit and miss, however, so with our approach we want to deliver reliably unpredictable thinking.

3. This will affect the future of humanity.

4. This will save the day, whatever crisis next hits us.

5. This will save our communities, our colleagues, friends and families, and our businesses.

6. In this way, we not only protect our bottom lines, but ensure they can expand and build on our organisation's latent and always intrinsic intellectual property: the in-house ideas people are paid to have but which rarely get captured or validated."

As part of a historical repository, it can also be found here on

But I want to do the above inside-out with new architectures: NOT perpetuate a #machineprimacy which has brought us so much pain to date ... | 9/11 / #putin's #russia / #hamas / #islamicstate etc | 2-minute video overview of why #crimefighting and related will never match #extreme #creativecriminality, until and if we change our approach to #it-#tech radically, hosted at my #youtube channel

Which is why the following three links are the pretty much firm as firm could be examples of my red lines: conditions, if you like, for me to work efficiently with people, clients and organisations, where I’m to be directly responsible for the outcomes and their delivery …

I say “directly responsible”, however, because there is one important exception: if we are to see my role purely as ideas’ broker (see the homepage of for more background and detail to what this means), then the matter is differentiated. Because if I am to work with a client in an advisory and enabling capacity only, and the client chooses to license and/or buy ideas, concepts and use-cases as laid out on this site and sister ones, then the demands on my side become just about non-existent.

In relation to intuition’s capture and validation, I have quite a fierce belief system in place — and I’m pretty sure it’s based on equally strong evidence, too. Where it's my reputation on the line, therefore, I will tend to want to protect it. Where someone else’s security philosophy must take the lead, though, and it’s their contractually recognised decisions on scope, roadmapping, implementation, and liability, I will defer to the clients and organisations in question.

I think the above is clear and fair: and I hope it shows I am moving forward in how I see relationships developing with all relevant and potential stakeholders and customers from now on.

So let’s optimise, enhance and expand a really deep #humanintuition in terms that give us all a fighting chance of conquering creative criminals of the extreme kind: / / | see section on "workstreams" in particular:


Why ChatGPT won't ever be a #gpt


Intuition validation is the email for proving/disproving you're right